Wednesday, August 8, 2012

More Specialists?

I submitted 25 pages worth of application to the Ryan Headache Center yesterday.  I got an appointment for November 20th.  I did ask to be put on a cancellation list.  This clinic was recommended by the Neurosurgeon and my primary care.  Glad there's no hurry.  It's not like I had to quit my job and the teaching I used to do and have no income coming in right now or anything.

Sorry, it's just very frustrating.

Anyway, I went ahead and kept my appointment for the Pain Management Rehab  program at Washington University today.  After the physical therapist went over my case with me, she basically said there was little physical therapy could do to help me but said I would probably benefit from the psychological portion of the rehab which helps chronic pain patients deal with their pain better.  She did mention a form of alternative therapy that I haven't heard of before.  It's called cranial sacral therapy.  I looked it up on the internet and there's a lot of negative press about it not having any proven benefits for its patients.  If anyone has heard of this type of therapy or tried it before, let me know.

In the meantime, I'm off the anti-convulsants because they make my head feel like it's going to explode and all I want to do is die, literally.  So I'm taking my regular fibromyalgia meds and I'll do the rehab once a week for the next 10 weeks. NO MORE ANTI-CONVULSANT DRUGS!!!!!

I did follow up with my chiropractor today regarding my x-rays.  My neck shows that it's straightening and there is some disc compression, but nothing extraordinary.  These problems could be contributing to my head pain.  She wants me to come back to get adjusted.  I'll have to be very careful with that so it doesn't set off my fibro again like it did last week. I did get a couplE minor exercises to do from the physical therapist that should help somewhat with my neck.  So I'll do those and see what happens.

I have a follow-up tomorrow with the Pain Management MD at Wash U.  I'm going to ask about pain/pressure point injections/therapy for the neck and see what he says. 

Thanks for listening...  I'll check back in a few days.

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