Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pain is Returning :-(

Over the past few days the pain in my head from the Occipital Neuralgia is coming back.  I'm realizing how effective the nerve blocks were now.  I'm feeling very depressed over this.  The doctor said the nerve blocks last anywhere from two weeks to six months.  I was hoping they would last longer.  I guess I'm a two-weeker :-(  They were awful painful to have to go through every couple weeks.  I don't even know how often they will give them.  I'm sure there's a limit.  I have an appointment on October 17th with the pain doctor for a follow-up appointment, but I'll think about moving it up.  I've been reading on the Trigeminal Neuralgia website that if you can get through a couple weeks of the bad side effects of the anti-convulsant drugs that they subside and the drugs help.  I may need to do that.  Ugh... There's no positive news here.

In other bad news, we hit a really big whole crossing a railroad track on Sunday and I flew up in my seat and back down hard.  My back has been hurting ever since.  I've been icing it and taking Ibuprofen which is helping.  I'm going to my chiropractor tomorrow.  I hope I didn't fracture any vertebrae.  I've got enough going on right now.  I don't need to add this to my list of chronic conditions.   We'll see, I'll keep you posted.

Sorry for all the negativity.  It's just been a really bad last few days.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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