Saturday, August 4, 2012

Results from the Chiropractor

The chiropractor took some scans that basically showed my neck off the charts for severity in nerve compression and muscle spasm categories.  She also took some x-rays through my mouth so she can get a good look at the top two vertebrae.  The results of that are not back yet.  She took some notes and asked me some questions but otherwise didn't have too much to say yet.  She did manipulation and electrical stem therapy.  I did feel better yesterday (Thursday) after the first treatement on Wednesday.  I went back yesterday (Friday).  The x-rays were not back yet.  She did another manipulation and therapy.  By last night I was in so much pain (head, face, neck, back), that I couldn't stand it.  I drugged myself with a sleep aid, muscle relaxer, and Lyrica and fell asleep.  I'm not in pain this morning but I think I'll skip the chiropractor appointment I set for this Monday.

I'm still debating on whether or not to go to the rehab at Barnes Hospital.  It starts this coming Wednesday.  I need to cancel on Monday if I'm not going.  I guess I'll think about it this weekend.

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