Saturday, August 18, 2012

Rehab Program for Pain Management

I went to my first of 10 Pain Rehab sessions.  It was interesting.  They had a class in the morning about neutrition, then we had an hour of working out at our own pace in the gym, then lunch, then a group thereapy session where we discussed how to get through daily activites that need to be done without overdoing it.  I met about 10 people who are also chronic pain suffers, although the origin of pain is different for most of us. No one else had face/head pain, but several had fibromyalgia.  It was nice to visit and talk about pain with others who know what you are going through and the topics over the course of the 10 weeks should provide a good base of information and coping skills.  This program is going to be vital to my success of having a halfway normal life again. 

I'm feeling very guilty about not working.  I was not approved through the Hartfor for LTD because my coverage didn't start until January and my symptoms started in December so they are saying it's a pre-existing condition.  I'ved filed for Social Security Disability and should hear by the end of the month if I'm approved.  I hear that almost everyone is denied at first and you have to appeal.  If that happens I think I'm going to have to try to go back to work. We won't be able to hold off another 14 to 18 months for an appeal.   If I do that, I'm going to have to work very closely with my pain doctor to make sure we're on top of it. 

On somedays I'm bored and feel half way ok and think I can work.  Other days I feel like I've been hit by a truck and my face hit the pavement.  Those mornins are usually after I had a very social day the day before (i.e. smiling, talking, squinting from the sun, etc.)  It makes it very hard to think clearly about what my real options are.  My husband doesn't want me to go back until I know I can handle working because he doesn't want me to have to quit again.  I don't want that either and I don't want to have to start the whole SS Disability process over again.  Who knows... I guess I'll know something in the next week or so then we'll see.

I go to get the Occipital nerve block on Tuesday.  My son is going to take me down there so my husband can get my daughter off to school.  I'm hoping it will give me some relief although I know it is temporary. I'll keep you posted.


  1. The post is written in very a good manner and it entails many useful information for me. I appreciated what you have done here. I am always searching for informative information like this.

    some information about pain management las vegas nv

  2. Thanks. I'm glad that my experience can help others. I've also been working with a pain management coach. She has a couple of websites. and I suggest buying her workbook. It greatly helped me get through the emotional aspects of losing my health, job, and other life events do to chronic pain.
