Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Pain Free Day!!!!!! after Tremors Gallor

I'm having a pain-free day!  I forgot what this was like it has been so long.  It is well deserved for sure after my limb and body jerking reaction that I had from a new drug, Beclafen, that I was prescribed.  I took one dose, 10 mg, on Monday evening and within 30 minutes starting have uncontrollable tremors.  I didn't have any trouble breathing so I didn't go to the ER right away.  I called the doctor's office in the morning and they said to wait it out, but when the tremors were still there later in the afternoon, I called back and they said to go to the ER for observation.  So they took some blood work, it was all ok.  I was there for about two hours and the doctor came back in and told me that I would have to wait it out and that it might take a few days for the symptoms to go away.  I went home and took my regular bedtime meds including Skelaxin, which is the muscle relaxer that I normally take.  It calmed down my tremors.  I took it 3 times yesterday (prescribed dose) and the tremors have ceased.  Now that I'm typing this I'm realizing that I am pain free from everything (fibromyalgia, trigeminal neuralgia, and occipital neuralgia) most likely because of all the muscle relaxers I've taken over the past few days.  Hmmm. Maybe I need to take the muscle relaxers more regularly.  I used to just take them when I was in too much pain at night because they make me feel weak and tired.  Now that I've had a pain free day, I'd much rather be weak and tired than in pain.  Plus now that I'm not working, it's ok to be lacking in stamina.  When I was working, that would not be an option.

Speaking of not working, I'm still waiting on the decision from social security. We'll see.  I have an attorney lined up if I get denied.  I hear that most everyone is denied the first time they file.

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