Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Little of This and a Little of That

I know I said I wasn't going to enter any more posts for this blog but I've had some time now since I saw the last neurologist and I'm doing some experimenting/self evaluation to try to find relief from some of my symptoms.  I have determined the following:
  1. The pain behind my ears, in my temples, and causing general scalp tenderness seems to be lessened substantially when I go off of all drugs that have to do with Seratonin.  I was taking 90mg of Cymbalta, a Seratonin Norepinephrin Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI) for Fibromyalgia.  I slowly reduced the dose and those symptoms mentioned above improved.  I stopped Cymbalta all together and those symptoms all but went away.  I believe these symptoms are now due to a condition called Seratonin Syndrome, which, by the way, can be FATAL.  While off of Cymbalta, my Fibromyalgia pain (primarily in my back) came back with a vengence, so I talked with my doctor about switching to Savella.  It is also an SNRI but has a threefold affect on Norepinephrine to Seratonin so I thought it might be able to address the Fibromyalgia without terribly affecting my head.  Unfortunately that is not the case.  The head pain is back and the Seratonin affect on the Fibromyalgia is not significant enough to help.  So now I am up tonight with head pain, back pain, and my trigeminal nerve is also acting up. I've taken Oxycodone, Tylenol, and Tizanidine (muscle relaxer), and Ambien.  Hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep soon and feel better in the morning.  I need to make an appointment with my primary care doctor and talk about what other options I have for treating Fibromyalgia without using Seratonin altering drugs.
  2. Menopause/hormone imbalance.  I have been having hot flashes gallour and then am chilled episodes.  I keep telling my husband and daughter that my thermostat is broken.  I've been using Progesterone cream to help with the hot flashes, but it doesn't seem to do much. With the Progesterone cream, I do have a little more energy though and labido is returning.  My husband is happy about that :).   When the hot flashes occur it sets off the Trigeminal Nerve pain and the overall head tenderness and pain behind my ears.  Ice packs seem to help if it gets too bad.  I also need to ask my doctor to see if she can test my hormone levels and make any recommendations for treatment.  I've tried natural supplements for increasing Estrogen and that makes my head symptoms really bad, so that's why I tried the Progesterone.  I was reading that even if Estrogen levels are lowering, if there's no Progesterone (as is what happens when you stop ovulating), Estrogen dominance occurs causing the head aches, etc. so you need to supplement the Progesterone vs. the Estrogen.  I hope my cousin was right when she said hormone imbalance calms down around 56 or 57.  Only 4 or so years to go.
  3. I'm starting some supplement therapy with a general whole food multivitamin for women (but it doesn't contain soy so it doesn't cause headaches), and another supplement that is supposed to be good for relieving inflamation.  I'm not sure if they are helping, but I know they are not hurting me, so I'm going to complete the 30 day supply and see if I feel any general health/well being improvements.
  4. Physical fitness.  After the first of the year I'm going to start looking for a Tai Chi program.  I need to strengthen my core without setting off the Fibromyalgia everytime I work out.  From what I've read, Tai Chi is the best exercise program for that. 
So for the next year, I hope to strengthen my core muscles, increase my intake of nutrients via supplements and eating a more nutrient dense diet, go off of Seratonin altering drugs and find other options for treating my Fibromyalgia.  As for the head pain and trigeminal nerve pain there's not much I can do about that other than take opiod pain relievers and muscle relaxants.  I'm just praying that I can be more functional and a little happier to be around for my family's sake.  After all, who wants a Debbie Downer around all the time.  If there's anything I have learned from all this, it's to try to enjoy life through the pain because if I keep waiting for it to go away, I'm going to waste my life away and be a burden to my family.