Saturday, September 22, 2012

Different Muscle Relaxer

I went to my pain doctor yesterday and we talked about meds and procedures.  He prescribed me a different muscle relaxer.  It's called Tizanidine to take every 6 hours as needed.  I took one last night and one this morning.  They did help me sleep/relax and I did not have any reactions to them. Here's the scoop on the rest of the conversation:

  • He did not want to add Wellbutrin because of possible seretonin overload.  He said that I should talk to a neurologist about that.  I need to call on Monday and make an appointment.
  • He recommended Naproxine for the anti-inflamatory, which I've already been taking.  He did mention to take it with meals at breakfast and dinner.  So I'll try that.
  • Pulse Radio Frequency therapy is where they go into the occipital nerve with a needle then pulse radio frequency for a couple minutes into the nerve to get the activity of the nerve to scramble and reset.  He used to do this a lot at John's Hopkins medical center but he did mention that insurance is not likely to approve it because it is still considered "experimental".  I went ahead and set up an appointment to get it done and they will query insurance in the meantime to see if it's covered.
  • Occipital Nerve Stimulator is a gadget they implant in your head that you can zap yourself with to reset the neurological rythym when you are in pain.  The problem with this procedure is that the gadget often moves because of the position where it's at in your head and the amount of movement you do with your head.
  • Nerve block/steriod injections.  I can continue to have these done whenever I want to or feel that I need them.  Since I only had 7 days of about 80 percent relief after the first set of shots, I'm not sure I want to go through that again or often.  He said there's no limit on how often you can have the shots.
So, I'm hoping the muscle relaxers help relieve some of the tension in my head/neck and that I'll get some relief from those while I wait to find out if the Pulse Radio Frequency is covered. 

I'm also still waiting on approval for social security disability.  They are waiting on the notes from yesterday's appointment to make a decision.

In the meantime, I'm trying to save up my energy from the mornings so I can be more functional for my family in the evenings.  This is quite a balancing act.

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