Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wake up and get off the narcotics!

I've been doing some more research on alternative treatments to help with my Fibromyalgia pain since I can no longer take the SNRI's like Cymbalta or Savella.  I've been on a trial of low dose Naltrexone (4.5 mg) per day.  It acts by blocking opiod receptors and reducing cytokines that cause Fibromyalgia-like symptoms according to the President of Alabama Society of Rheumatic Diseases, David McLain, M.D. as quoted in the Fibromyalgia Network article Sublte Signs of Immune System Breakdown in Fibro.  The on-label use for Naltrexone is to assist people getting off of narcotic or alcohol addiction so people taking this drug cannot take narcotics or drink alcohol.  So for me, although not addicted, I needed to quit taking narcotic pain meds for seven days prior to taking the Naltrexone and haven't taken them since. 

After being on Naltrexone for one month, I did not feel any significant improvement in my pain symptoms, however, I have been more alert and feeling alive since I'm off of the narcotics.  I didn't realize what a zombie I was and how regularly I was using the narcotics until I went off of them.  It was enlightening but when I have my severe pain episodes it's really hard not to reach for the Oxycodone.  Instead I've been using ice or heat, taking a hot jacuzzi bath, or just resting until the pain subsides.  It's difficult to get through.  I still take OTC pain meds such as Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen.

I visited my doctor last week and discussed all of this with her.  She doubled the dose of the Naltrexone to see if a higher dose would be more beneficial with the pain.  Unfortunately, the side effects of the higher dose of medication kicked off my scalp sensitivity and the pain behind my ears and temples just like the SNRIs did.  I quit taking the Naltrexone for a few days and am now back on the 4.5mg dose until my doctor instructs me otherwise.  A medium dose of 6mg may be beneficial to try.  This dosage will need to be compounded at the pharmacy so I'll have to make a special trip to the hospital pharmacy to pick it up. 

If the Naltrexone 6mg is not an option or does not work, then my next suggestion to my doctor is Plaquenil which is also a drug that tempers immune activation and my help with pain.  I'll keep you posted.