Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fibromyalgia Has Gone to my Head

I saw a second neuroogist today.  She was kind and listened and asked me why I came to her.  I said I wanted to know if there were any other tests to do to see if nerves were damaged or if there were any conditions left to rule out.  She said no.  My MRI of my brain from April looked good, in fact, not remarkable enough to warrant surgery of any kind.  My pain is too atypical and therefore there is nothing they can do for me since I cannot tollerate the anticonvulsant medications they use to treat this type of pain.  She mentioned that she believes the condition going on in my head is Fibromyalgia, so to me that means chronic, neverending, misery.  I'm very sad at that thought but guess I have to accept it.  I told my husband I'm done with doctors now.  I'm not going to chase this any more. I'll just take the drugs that I can tollerate and maybe eventually I'll get some relief on my own.  He thought that was a good idea.  I can't really afford to pay these doctors anyway, so I might as well just stick with my primary care physician and let her prescribe the pain maintenance meds. 

This will be the last post in this blog.  I guess the only thing I have left to say is that I'm too young to feel this damn old :(